Student Voices

5 Reasons Why Green River College Stands Out Among the Rest

Student blogger Toby Cutts highlights the best of GRC

Studying halfway across the world means you can’t go home much. It means you’ll spend most of your time at your college. It means you better enjoy where you’re studying. Fortunately for me, I do. I am going to tell you the top 5 reasons why I love studying at Green River College (GRC).

1. The Support

Green River College staff have supported me from the application process to this very moment. They helped me with questions about visas, class choices, where to live, shop, eat, and socialize. As you can guess this kind of support is the exceptional kind that changes the dynamic of a move such as this. Support that creates opportunity for growth rather than a fearful and anxious ordeal.

2. Small Class Sizes

Green River College has approximately 9,400 students, 750 are international. This allows the opportunity for smaller classes. Classes vary from 15 to 40 students.

What does class size have to do with anything? Everything. Small class sizes such as this means there is a much more inclusive dynamic when being taught. In this way questions are asked and answered on both the teacher's side and the students. This is great when building your confidence, asking for help, and understanding concepts. Most of all, you are able to build individual relationships with your teachers and classmates.

3. Leadership opportunities

At Green River College I have had the opportunity to create and lead one club, be the president of another, join the International Student Ambassador team, and be a marketing assistant. All these opportunities have gifted me with many skills, attributes, and connections that will help me in the next chapter of my life. It also allows me the possibility to make a difference. The opportunities I have just shared are just a small fraction of what Green River College offers to those who are willing to get involved.

4. Community

Every community is built of bricks made of the ideals that the people share. The three reasons above are the biggest bricks that make up the Green River College community. Through the support I have felt here I have had the confidence to be involved and reap the opportunities that GRC has to offer. Through the humble size of the college, I have been given the chance to be part of the community itself. 

Finally, through leadership opportunities I have been fortunate enough to give back to the college and support those students who are wearing the same shoes I was last year. 

Furthermore, these ideals that create the community I am a part of have built me into a better student but more-so, a more confident and fulfilled person all round.

5. Environment

Lastly, I love the environment here. Both social and physical. Washington State is beautiful with hiking trails, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, and many more soul-capturing destinations. As an environmental major and a person who appreciates the great outdoors, this kind of environment means a lot to me. It gives me the space to destress and an outlet for out-of-class adventures. Moreover, Green River College is situated on acres of forest with miles of trails at its doorstep.

Overall, there are many reasons why I love studying at Green River College. I hope my top five have given you an insight on what it is like to be a part of the Gator community as an international student. I also hope this gives you an insight on the rewards you can reap at GRC when becoming involved, and how you can stand out too.

Toby Cutts from England is studying environmental science at Green River College.
